Saturday, September 29, 2007

34 days!!!

That's how far away we are from the walk, just under five weeks. Crazy how much time has gone by. Tomorrow is the 8 month anniversary of starting the couch to 5k program!

I passed the 40lb mark yesterday!!!! Tomorrow is my official weigh in, I hope it's still good. It's sometimes up a bit the day after a long walk.

So workouts...

9/27 - a very slow 4 miles, ~55 minutes
9/28 - rest
9/29 - 10 miles, 2 laps around Tempe Town Lake

So Thursday I did my run in the evening and it was a bit of a struggle. The food I'd eaten 4 hours earlier wasn't sitting well. That and I had M in the jogging stroller. I was WAY slower then usual but I ran for much longer intervals. I walked my first 1/4 mile as warm up, started my watch and started to run. I ran for 10 minutes and then walked for 1, ran 10 more and walked 2, ran 10, walked 2, ran 10 and then walked the last 1/4 mile or so home. My time was way slow considering all the running but it was harder pushing the stroller. I'm going to go for longer run intervals on Tuesday morning when I'm out alone.

It was amazing to be somewhere different tonight. What a nice change of view.

There was a "Splash & Dash" going on there too. That looks like something I'll have to try once before my Tri in may. It's just a swim and a run, love that idea!!


Kelly said...

I'm really proud of you, Lisa!! You haev made such great strides for you life quality and health! You are awesome!

justkc said...

Lisa, I am so so proud of you too! You are such an inspiration!