Saturday, February 24, 2007

Another week done!

I finished week 4 today! I am feeling so good about myself!!! I missed my outside run this morning because my youngest was sick last night and woke me up several times. It was too late to get out and be back before my husband had to leave so I went to the Y. Today I did 2.09 miles in 31.5 minutes. I also wore one of those rubbery belts around my belly so I was hot! Next week is even scarier to look at then this week was, check it out.

Workout one:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Walk 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Walk 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)

Workout two:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
Jog 3/4 mile (or 8 minutes)
Walk 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Jog 3/4 mile (or 8 minutes)

Workout three:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then jog two miles (or 20 minutes) with no walking.

Uh...... yikes! The idea of me running for 20 minutes straight is almost surreal! I know I can do it though!!!

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